Our Committees

Unleashing the power of collaboration! Our committees drive the green revolution, leading the way in education, community outreach, events, marketing, water, waste, energy, and more. Each committee is a dedicated team of changemakers working together to make a lasting impact!


  • Promote water conservation practices in our community

  • Raise awareness about the importance of clean and accessible water sources

  • Implement initiatives to reduce water waste and encourage responsible water usage

  • Collaborate with local organizations and authorities to address water pollution and improve water quality

  • Advocate for sustainable water management policies and practices

  • Educate community members about the significance of preserving our water resources

  • Organize events and workshops focused on water conservation and sustainable practices


  • Promote energy conservation and efficiency in our community

  • Encourage the adoption of sustainable energy practices in homes, businesses, and public spaces

  • Advocate for renewable energy policies and initiatives at the local level

  • Collaborate with local utility companies to explore and implement renewable energy options

  • Organize events and workshops on energy-saving techniques and renewable energy technologies

  • Support the development and implementation of energy-efficient infrastructure projects in our community

  • Foster partnerships with other organizations working towards sustainable energy solutions


  • Promote waste reduction and encourage the adoption of sustainable waste management practices in our community

  • Raise awareness about the importance of recycling, composting, and proper waste disposal

  • Collaborate with local businesses and organizations to implement waste reduction initiatives and programs

  • Advocate for policies and regulations that support waste reduction, recycling, and the use of eco-friendly packaging

  • Organize community clean-up events to remove litter and debris from public spaces

  • Educate community members about the environmental impacts of waste and the benefits of reducing, reusing, and recycling

  • Explore innovative solutions for waste diversion, such as upcycling and creative reuse projects

  • Support local recycling and composting facilities and promote their accessibility and proper use

  • Develop partnerships with local schools and educational institutions to integrate waste reduction and recycling education into curricula

  • Conduct waste audits to identify areas for improvement and track progress in waste reduction efforts


  • Develop educational materials and resources on sustainability topics for various age groups and audiences

  • Organize workshops, seminars, and training sessions to educate community members about sustainable practices

  • Collaborate with local schools and educational institutions to incorporate sustainability education into curricula

  • Conduct outreach programs and presentations in schools and community centers to raise awareness about environmental issues

  • Create engaging and interactive educational campaigns to promote sustainable behavior change

  • Provide resources and support for educators to integrate sustainability concepts into their teaching

  • Coordinate guest speaker events and panel discussions to bring in experts and share knowledge on sustainability-related topics

  • Facilitate skill-sharing sessions and hands-on activities to teach practical skills for sustainable living, such as composting or gardening

  • Collaborate with other committees to integrate education components into events and initiatives

  • Stay up-to-date with the latest research and developments in sustainability education to continuously improve and adapt our educational efforts


  • Develop and implement marketing strategies to raise awareness about Gauchos Go Green and its initiatives

  • Create engaging content for social media platforms to promote sustainability and inspire behavior change

  • Design and distribute promotional materials such as flyers, posters, and stickers to increase visibility and reach in the community

  • Collaborate with other committees to effectively communicate and promote their initiatives and events

  • Manage and maintain the organization's website, ensuring it is up-to-date with relevant information and resources

  • Coordinate with local media outlets to secure coverage and spread the message of sustainability

  • Utilize email marketing campaigns to engage with community members, share updates, and promote upcoming events

  • Conduct market research to understand community needs and preferences related to sustainability

  • Develop partnerships and collaborations with local businesses, organizations, and influencers to expand the reach and impact of our marketing efforts

  • Measure and analyze marketing metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of our strategies and make data-driven improvements.

Community Outreach

  • Establish and strengthen partnerships with local organizations, businesses, and community groups to promote sustainability and environmental awareness

  • Develop and implement community outreach programs and initiatives that engage and educate community members about sustainable practices

  • Organize and participate in community events, fairs, and festivals to raise awareness about Gauchos Go Green and its mission

  • Conduct outreach activities, such as presentations and workshops, in schools, community centers, and public spaces to promote sustainable behaviors

  • Collaborate with other committees to support and promote their initiatives through community engagement

  • Identify and address specific sustainability needs and concerns within the community through targeted outreach efforts

  • Provide resources, information, and support to community members seeking guidance on sustainable living practices

  • Foster a sense of community and encourage active participation in sustainability-related activities through networking and volunteer opportunities

  • Seek opportunities to collaborate with local government and civic organizations to implement sustainable policies and practices at the community level

  • Measure the impact of community outreach efforts through surveys, feedback, and data collection to continuously improve and refine outreach strategies.


  • Plan, organize, and coordinate various events related to sustainability and environmental awareness

  • Conceptualize and execute engaging and educational events that align with Gauchos Go Green's mission and goals

  • Collaborate with other committees to incorporate sustainability themes and initiatives into events

  • Coordinate logistics, including venue selection, permits, equipment rentals, and event scheduling

  • Develop event budgets, secure sponsorships, and explore fundraising opportunities to support event costs

  • Promote events through marketing and communication channels to attract attendees from the community

  • Manage event registration, ticket sales, and attendee communication

  • Arrange guest speakers, performers, and vendors to enhance event experiences and provide valuable insights on sustainability topics

  • Implement waste reduction strategies during events, such as recycling stations and composting options

  • Evaluate and assess the success of events through attendee feedback, data analysis, and post-event reports

  • Organize fundraising initiatives, such as charity drives, donation campaigns, or eco-marketplaces, to raise funds for Gauchos Go Green's initiatives and projects.

Green Certification

  • Work closely with Greek life organizations to provide guidance and support in achieving green certification for their chapter houses

  • Conduct assessments and audits to evaluate the sustainability practices and infrastructure of Greek chapter houses

  • Develop and implement strategies to help Greek chapter houses meet the criteria set by the California Green Business Association for green certification

  • Provide educational resources and training sessions to educate Greek chapter members on sustainable practices and behaviors

  • Collaborate with local sustainability experts and professionals to offer expertise and guidance in implementing eco-friendly measures

  • Assist Greek chapter houses in implementing energy-efficient solutions, waste reduction strategies, water conservation measures, and other sustainable practices

  • Facilitate the application process for green certification, including the completion of required documentation and verification procedures

  • Track and monitor the progress of Greek chapter houses towards green certification and provide ongoing support and assistance

  • Promote and celebrate the achievement of green certification for Greek chapter houses through various communication channels and events

  • Foster a culture of sustainability within Greek life by encouraging continuous improvement and the sharing of best practices among chapter houses.

Empowering a Greener Community, One Action at a Time.